Section 83 Facebook Group – A New Zealand Icon For Workers Rights


Section 83 Facebook group, now with over 18000 members, has become an absolute icon of the determination of certain New Zealanders to stand up for what is right, just, to never give up no matter what the odds, to never stop striving for our God given freedom, to not falter no matter what obstacles and to keep our focus on the WIN that we know is there for us if we just keep going.

Where other large “Freedom Groups” have been openly cynical and negative about our chance of getting justice and falling in to the trap of repetition of propaganda narrative, Section 83 has always been a bright light in an often dark world within New Zealand and overseas

The Section 83 FB group was founded by Forrest Stivens and Liz Lambert and started November 2021, hosting three zooms per week for between one and three hours – Pretty much rain, hail or shine! Running Monday, Wednesday and Friday through Christmas, New Year, most public holidays and their birthdays! WOW!

The zooms, now totalling more than 96 so far with more than 196 hours of video –  and still climbing as of mid-July 2022, provided already sacked workers, the vax injured, workers facing sacking, with advice and support. Liz tirelessly answers our questions, provided zoom attendees and group members with practical steps we can take, letter templates that members can take to employers, shops, restaurants, clubs and associations and anyone who is engaging in discrimination and have illegal workplace or organisational policies and practices.

Yes Forrest and Liz do have other lives but they knew they had to do everything they could to help devastated and traumatised, distressed and distraught New Zealander’s that had done nothing to deserve the horrendous treatment they were now being subjected to

The humanitarian need from thousands of, V injured and traumatised New Zealand workers, self-employed contractors and business owners from every corner the country was massive but Liz and Forrest knew what they had to do.

Forrest has a Health and Wellness business based in the South Island where he tirelessly helps clients from all over New Zealand including V injured to regain their health using nutrition and cutting edge therapies. Forrest is a true NZ Freedom Loving Patriot. S83 could not happen without him.

Liz has an extensive law and union background which she has used to great effect for members in the Section 83 group. From detailed explanations and insights of legislation such as C19 Health Response Orders, C19 V Orders, Health and Safety at Work Act, Employment Relations Act, Public Health Act, to the structure of government and why this matters, why High Court and Supreme court cases have been unsuccessful and to bring out key points in those cases.
Liz details how or if legislation applies or when it is main stream news reports with a propaganda agenda designed to create fear and worry in the law abiding and caring people of New Zealand. She shares news from overseas and how it relates to happenings here in New Zealand. Liz’s perspectives have been an absolute blessing to the S83 FB group

S83 has also hosts expert guests like Chris Lind, a workplace Health and Safety guru, famous in NZ through his own tireless work to ensure workers of New Zealand are supported in their fight for what is right. Advocates like Cam who has exciting results through the employment courts, law students Dora and Karen, patriots like Geoff from Northland and many others tirelessly dedicated to helping others.

What many don’t realize is that Section 83 also has a plethora of behind the scenes hard working advocates who are very often working for free, providing S83 members with the help and support they desperately need.  We are incredibly grateful to them.

This resource is unmatched in this country and all free of charge –

The group has grown massively with hundreds joining every day for the first six month and now in July 2022 it continues to grow even showing the huge need for non-corrupt union representation for hard-working law-abiding New Zealander




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