Constitutional Freedom of Speech Case
in New Zealand
Freedom of speech, our most fundamental freedom has been under attack, especially for the last 3 years.
At last, the New Zealand Court of Appeal will hear arguments (Amanda Jean Turner and Te Whatu Ora – Health New Zealand in Respect of the Former District health board CA 652/2023. DATE To be Confirmed

Amanda’s Story
Amanda Turner lost her job for making posts on her private facebook page which her employer did not like.
The case has been through the Employment Relations Authority and the Employment Court. Both agreed that the employer was justified in suppressing Amanda’s freedom of speech.
Number 8 Union has appealed the latest decision to the Court of Appeal
This is the first case about Freedom of Speech to go to the Court of Appeal in New Zealand.
Freedom of Speech is of our foremost and fundamental right.
There is a very real risk of losing this foremost fundamental right in this country which makes this a very important case for us all in New Zealand – doctors, nurses, businesses, employees, employers in all areas of work.
Our Freedom of Speech IS supported in law and we must ensure this remains such
This case is about raising the awareness of the importance of freedom of speech, as without this all of our other freedoms are lost because we cannot speak out about anything that doesn’t fit the narrative.
Help Support This Very Brave Woman
Amanda is fundraising for her case and would be hugely grateful to everyone that can donate, even a small amount such as $5 to this very important cause that affects us all here in NZ.
Show your support for Amanda who lost her job but did nothing wrong! We have added Amanda’s bank account at the bottom of this page so please give generously.
Freedom of expression is protected under sections 13 and 14 in the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990:
13. Freedom of thought, conscience, and religion
Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience, religion, and belief, including the right to adopt and to hold opinions without interference.
14. Freedom of expression
Everyone has the right to freedom of expression, including the freedom to seek, receive, and impart information and opinions of any kind in any form.
N8 Advocates taking Amanda’s case will also argue that she is protected by Article 3 of the Treaty of Waitangi.
Under the Treaty of Waitangi, Amanda is an ‘ordinary person’, distinct from a Chief of New Zealand .
Of special interest, we ask the court: what is the relationship of the Bill of Rights 1688, upon which all the “rights and duties of citizenship of the people of England” rest, to Amanda’s rights under the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990?
For more information about the case, please go to Rumble 3 Nov 2023 here – Freedom of Speech Case to Court of Appeal
Please share this post and show your support, by donating directly to Amanda’s bank account here –
Unity Bank
A.J Turner
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