Can’t fill out the Joining Form but want to pay your fees or make a donation? Here are our bank details;
TSB account Number 8 Workers’ Union Inc 15-3968-0114433-00
Please ensure you add your name to the payment otherwise we have no way of identifying your payment
Donations – Use “Donation” in the reference fields and your name if you wish to add that.”

Need To Contact Us? –

For general inquiries email us – in**@nu*****.nz

Membership inquiries to – me********@nu*****.nz

Please ensure you have filled out the Google form via the “Fill out our Google Form…..” button above if you have not done so already.

Payment Frequencies Available = Quarterly and Yearly in advance

Waged Quarterly        $65.00
Waged Yearly              $260.00

Unwaged Quarterly    $32.50
Unwaged Yearly          $130.00

Please note – payments without identifiable references may be treated as donations. Please input your details correctly and advise us if you have problems by emailing ac******@nu*****.nz  

Bank account info is available on the Join N8WUNZ google form. If you require the account number aside from filling in the form please contact in**@nu*****.nz

Please DO NOT set up any payment frequencies other than those above as our accounting systems is set up to to reconcile weekly small sum payments and small payments create a great deal of admin work.  
We want to spend time supporting members with their employment issues rather than the administration of payments. Thanks for your understanding.


If your employer will be making your union payments, email us at me********@nu*****.nz for information on how to set that up. 

Once Quarterly payment is received, a union member has the right to be fully supported by the advocacy team. If you need help straight away, please advise this when filling out the Google Form indicated above 

If you are paying as unwaged then become waged, you are required to update your fee payments to waged and advise us so we can update our system. Also advise if you become unwaged and wish to change to lower fee bracket 

Upon request, we can send a monthly Xero statement of your payments. 

Membership Cancellation – one months notice is required 

If you would like to make a donation,  please write DONATION in the reference field in your payment.

For more details see our FAQ and come to our next zoom on FB.



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