Our ever-growing List of Official Information Act requests reveal staggering Truths

Click on any of the OIAs to bring up the pdf file

Here are 1400+ pharmacies/medical centres/maraes/pop ups who were supplied with C19 vax doses. Scroll to the bottom for a total $ revenue figure if all the doses were administered at $36.05 per dose – what a mind-blowing figure that comes to! (inclusive of 15% GST!)

This is summarized data that is a response to an official information act request. It shows a very large money trail. As we know, many doses were administered after hours costing $48.72 administration/dose outside business hours, so these are very conservative financial figures.

MBIE’s Shane Kinley gave PCBU (the bosses and business owners) very dodgey advice that was unlawful

A 60 page document with soooo much redacted content. Employers (apparently) do not have to consider the safety of a countermeasure which is being introduced into a workplace. All legal arguments are to be shut down!

Worksafe Confirms Covid 19 Is NOT A Workplace Hazard

The title says it all! There is indeed a difference between a "public health issue" and a workplace disease. And never the twain shall meet.

Ministry of Education – Zero Approvals or Clause 9 Exemptions

So how are teachers different to health workers?

Oranga Tamariki C19 Budget and HSWA designation

Oranga Tamariki had a budget of $25 million allocated to Covid AND NO HSWA Designation to do anything which includes mandating the injection, sacking staff for not getting the injection, etc etc...

Kainga Ora pushes jab with no risk assesment on it, policy or designation

State Advance Homes, or Housing New Zealand or Kainga Ora did not make a policy (or even a risk assessment) for injection requirements

Worksafe CEO Resigns!

Parkes has been at the helm of the beleaguered agency for three years, and stays till the end of 2023, Beleaguered - Thats for sure! They are in DEEP STRIFE!

11005 Jab Exemptions – Who Got Them?

OIA 27972 & 23978

An absolute BOMBSHELL!!!

This is staggering... So many operational exemptions were given secretly to health related worker while others were sacked or injured or both

Worksafe – questions….

What determines a clinical setting?

Was there proof of harm to public from un-jabbed?

Did MoH request Worksafe check the work practices of healthcare workers in relation to public harm?

Did Worksafe receive reports or complaints regarding exposure to unjabbed healthcare workers?

Medical Exemptions – For What Reasons Did People Get Medical Exemptions?

How many were turned down?

What Advice Was MBIE Giving Out to non-mandated businesses?

If you are a PCUB/employer - Very bad advice it turns out. They said that employers did not have to discuss vaccine safety. They acted as a puppet for a vaccination order that did NOT apply to ANY workers as C19 is NOT a Work Place Hazard!

Does The Pfizer Jab Stop Transmission?

How Many C19 Notifications Did Worksafe Receive?

How Many Operational Exemptions (12A) Were Received?

No quality assurance on the Pfizer product - What are the Commercially Reasonable Efforts in the Pfizer supply contract?

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