Liz Lambert has created a heap of letter templates for you to customize to your particular situation or circumstance.
We also highlight specific parts of legislation and safety data sheets that support worker rights and Acts such as the Health Act 1956 that have been in the news.
IPP6 Request Template – Click to Access
Liz’s Mind Map of Jab Exemption and Infringement clauses and sections
Want to help us tell people about Number 8 Workers Union?
To the right is our flyer versions so far –
Single A4 and x2 A6 on an A4 sheet.
Please print in black and white or
colour and cut in half if required

N8 Union Flyer – Click to go to x2 A6 on A4 pdf

N8 Union Flyer – Click to go to x1 A4 size pdf
Liz’s letter to the Law Society
Legislation That Supports Non Wearing of Masks
Designated Terrorist Enity Example
Rumble Transcripts
Hang on to Your Socks Notes – ERA & HSWA clauses
The Laws Around The Medicines Act 1981
No one was designated to carry out C19 Orders – Section 191 HSWA
Every CEO can grant exemptions and no one was lawfully designated to carry out c19 orders
How to Lay a Complaint to Human Rights Commission
Lay a Complaint with Labour Inspectorate For Job Listing with Vax Req
Template Letter
Dear Boss…
Slavery is against the law under section 83 HSWA and 67F ERA
Health and Safety at Work (General Risk and
Workplace Management) Regulations 2016
Clause 9 C19 Vax Orders
For companies that have implemented private mandates stating that they had no choice – Actually yes they did
Pfizer Safety Data Sheet with Chris Lind’s Highlights
Notice to Employer of Breach of Contract
Human Rights Act 1993 – NOTES
Health Act 1956 – See highlighted sections that help us see that we don’t need to live in fear around this Act
Public Service Commission – Discrimination in the Workplace