Clearly Defined Rules Which Ensures Number8 is Totally Different from ALL Other Unions
Check these viewer favourite Rumble videos below detailing the latest and hotest news
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1. A full length zoom where we discuss recent events relating to Barry Young the whistle blower that released stagger health statitics from MOH database
2. In this zoom Liz explains how to be come a Protected Whistle Blower
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3. In this next video Liz explains section 21 & 23 of the Protected Disclsosure( Protection of Whistle Blowers) Act 2022
4. In this video Liz details sect 23 of the above to really help those that are potention whistle blowers to fully comprehand how protected they are
New Zealand Workers have been treated appallingly over the last two to three years. Workers have been discriminated against, had their employment contracts breached, been subjected to unsafe workplaces, coercion, bullying and to medical experimentation the likes of the world has never seen before.
Here at Number 8 we want to make sure this NEVER happens again!
The BIG (but ineffective) unions have failed dismally in their DUTY to protect workers. Workers PAY unions to support them which they didn’t, in fact they participated in the coercion and job loses!!
Lawyers have been slow or completely absent in helping workers. They too have failed
You – The Workers of New Zealand deserve justice. Here at Number 8 we are dedicated to making sure you get the justice you deserve. We are The People’s Union
Liz and Forrest have been hosting Section 83 Q & A zooms for more than 12 months now, multiple times per week, through public holidays, xmas, birthdays and so on – ALL UNPAID. Almost 200 zooms!! Most of which have been over 2 hours each! That’s 400-500 hours of tirelessly answering the questions from distraught New Zealanders sacked from their jobs, many injured by the toxic injection in the process
Number 8 now has a dedicated team of advocates who are working hard our to support Number 8 Union members through their workplace mediations, MBIE mediations and ERA hearings as part of getting justice for workers they deserve
We have a team of unpaid volunteers working unseen in the background, carrying out multiple support functions so advocates can do their magic. They do go unseen but are vital to bring members the services they need and for N8 success.
The Number 8 website, built by a volunteer happy to lend a hand, will soon to have even more resources with the addition of “Case Law, Case Summaries and Commentary”. This is an exciting resource create by Liz, Erika and Robyn, which gives members the fast way to gain vital knowledge of successes through the courts and cases relevant to our path to justice
This all takes finances to support
So we need your help –
Even if you do not need work place support, you can help us change history by supporting us financially by way of a donation – You can make a One Off Donation or set up a Monthly Automatic Payment for an ongoing amount you can afford. Every bit helps – Our members will be truly grateful for your contribution and your support to help us extend our member support capabilities and to be able to send a bit of financial love to our volunteers.
Donations can be made directly to 15-3968-0114433-00 with “Donation” in the reference fields and your name in particulars.”
Where possible make donations in amounts $20 or more to reduce administration of those transactions. We are incredibly gratefully for any amount you can spare.
These photographic memories of Wellington’s “Camp Freedom” and other actions throughout NZ serve as a perfect reminder of why we NEVER want to go back to those times, with the exception of Camp Freedom’s immense sense of community, friendship and a common goal of securing complete autonomy over our bodies, how we choose to live our lives and the freedom we are born with!
Photos by kind permission of Keith Bennett and other generous contributors