An awesome article written by a Number 8 WUNZ Advocate
Stuff Article – Auckland youth justice facility in lockdown, armed teens still on roof at 9pm
Click here to read the article – Stuff Article – Auckland Youth Justice Facility In Lockdown Armed Teens Still On Roof At 9pm
Do you, as a Number 8 Advocate, know more?
Well yes we do.
Sent this to their news tips email:
OT has staff shortages, and due to the organizations inability to reconcile with its unvaccinated workers. these staff shortages are still an issue for our community. Youth crime is on the increase, ram raids too. And now a juvenile detention center is out of control. We have members in our union who are current and ex employees at Korowai manaki and OT has not reconciled with its staff.
The Staff head count dropped by 300 during vaccine mandates according to this OIA
This particular justice center has been advertising for night shift roles for the past 8 months on
There have been decisions in the employment relations authority this year for ex Oranga Tamariki staff, one of which applied for reinstatement which has not happened at korowai manaki
Compare Our health system: it has a backlogged waiting list also due to staff shortages and not hiring back unvaccinated staff. We learn of this on waiting list reports . There are also OIAs that count how many staff terminated during a short time period
The media has not discussed it. How much longer will the media remain on Gilligans Island and keep people uninformed? The “team of 5 millions” has a jab rate of 90 percent. That leaves 500,000 displaced people many of which are workers.
So There’s your tip, the elephant in the room: unvaccinated workers are NOT being rehired by the government . Compare this to the exclusion of Jews from businesses and from being civil servants in the German government in 1933
I write as a volunteer for this workers union with no political affiliations. We help our members get back in to work and seek justice for those who were unlawfully denied work for refusing a medical treatment….which by the way, is in our country’s bill of rights, section 11.
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