Changes to Number 8 Workers’ Union Membership Fees
Your personal details will be kept confidential and will not be shared or sold to any third parties without your permission.
By filling in our joining form you are agreeing with Number 8 Workers’ Union of New Zealand Inc Ts & Cs and rules. These can be found here –
Dear Prospective Members,
Due to unprecedented demand for the advocacy services N8 provides and so many employees having personal grievances due for filing with ERA , we now require two years’ membership fees to be paid in advance for members requiring urgent assistance. This ensures greater fairness of contribution to your Union when comparing to long term N8 members and allows N8 to continue offering the high-quality, targeted advocacy services we are known for.
At N8, our members are always our top priority. We put in the hard yards to achieve the best possible outcomes for our members.
Two-Year Membership Upfront Fee
Please Note: if you are on ACC this is regarded as “Waged”.
2 Years unwaged $312
2 Years waged $624
Please Note: It is your responsibility to promptly notify us of any changes to your employment status.
For members who DO NOT require urgent assistance such as members looking to ensure they have the back up of N8 should they need it, the following Union fees apply –
Please set up an automatic payment as we do not carry out direct debits
Waged quarterly $78
Waged yearly $312
Unwaged quarterly $39
Unwaged yearly $156
As part of joining N8 you will be required to fill in our Authority to Act and Terms of Engagement forms. This is standard practice to ensure you agree to our terms and we have your authority to file with ERA and so on.
Examples of (but not limited to) an employment problem are:
- Raising a person grievance
- Breach of contract
- Employment contract disputes
- Mediations and workplace meetings relating to problems
- Advocacy at Tribunals such as Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal
Over the past two years, N8 has achieved remarkable success, with a great many settlements and good wins in the ERA and Employment Court for our members.
It’s hard work, but we will never give up. Instead, we continue to gain strength while the storm around us continues unabated.
Unlike other unions, we don’t indulge in membership fee funded hybrid cars, holiday homes or commercial properties, expensive training courses or seminars. Instead, fees are invested directly into member support and advocacy.
How does the cost of Number 8 WUNZ compare to the service of an employment lawyer?
Quotes range from $5,000 – to $25,000 upwards. At $500 per hour it does not take long to add up. The cost of paying a lawyer to go to the ERA is around $20k.
Reference – Your name and “Donation” We hugely appreciate your generosity
Here are our bank details;
TSB account Number 8 Workers’ Union Inc 15-3968-0114433-00
For more details see our FAQ and check out our Rumble channel which is absolutely loaded with amazing content
Thanks so much for joining Number 8. We are the change that needs to happen in the world.
Can’t fill out the Joining Form but want to pay your fees or make a donation? Here are our bank details;
TSB account Number 8 Workers’ Union Inc 15-3968-114433-00
Please ensure you add your name to the payment otherwise we have no way of identifying your payment
Donations – Use “Donation” in the reference fields and your name if you wish to add that.”
Need To Contact Us? –
All inquiries email us – in**@nu*****.nz
Account inquiries – ac******@nu*****.nz
Existing Members Joining Prior to 18th November 2024
Please setup an automatic payment and pay on time.
Sending reminder emails is time-consuming and takes away from supporting members with their cases
Thank you for your understanding.
Fees for members who joined prior to 18th November 2024
Waged quarterly. $78
Unwaged quarterly $39
Waged Yearly. $312
Unwaged Yearly $156
Members are required to be paid a minimum of one quarter in advance throughout their membership. Failiure to do this may jeopardize your place in our advocacy queue.
If you are paying as unwaged then become waged, you are required to update your fee payments to waged and advise us so we can update our system. Also advise if you become unwaged and wish to change to lower fee bracket
Membership Cancellation
One months paid notice is required
If you would like to make a donation, please write DONATION in the reference field in your payment.
Account details for donations TSB 15 3968 114433 00
For more details see our FAQ and come to our next zoom on FB.